
  • Synology DS215j, DSM 6.2.3-25426



  1. 添加community source https://packages.synocommunity.com/
  2. 下載 WebStation, Apache 2.4, PHP 7.0
  3. 打開 WebStation,前往General Setting,將 HTTP backend server設為 apache 2.4,php設為 php7.0
  4. WebStation,前往 PHP Setting,編輯 Default Profile,或你可新增一個profile
  5. open_basedir開啟,加上以下句子



  6. 建立downloads共用資料夾,給予HTTP群組read/write權限
  7. 下載ruTorrent套件,按預設值安裝
  8. 現在你已可使用 ruTrrent 了



當新增RSS feed時,會報錯 Error Loading Feed

經過一番google search,解決方法如下

  1. 啟用 admin帳號,啟用 ssh
  2. ssh 進入 synology
  3. 成為 root

    sudo -i
  4. 更改 config.php

    ## open and edit config.php
    $ vi /var/services/web/rutorrent/conf/config.php

    config.php :

       <?php                                                                                                                       // configuration parameters
       // for snoopy client
       @define('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0', true);
       @define('HTTP_TIME_OUT', 30, true); // in seconds
       @define('HTTP_USE_GZIP', true, true);
       $httpIP = null;             // IP string. Or null for any.
       @define('RPC_TIME_OUT', 5, true);   // in seconds
       @define('LOG_RPC_CALLS', false, true);
       @define('LOG_RPC_FAULTS', true, true);
       // for php
       @define('PHP_USE_GZIP', false, true);
       @define('PHP_GZIP_LEVEL', 2, true);
       $schedule_rand = 10;            // rand for schedulers start, +0..X seconds
       $do_diagnostic = true;
       $log_file = '/tmp/errors.log';      // path to log file (comment or leave blank to disable logging)
       $saveUploadedTorrents = true;       // Save uploaded torrents to profile/torrents directory or not
       $overwriteUploadedTorrents = false;     // Overwrite existing uploaded torrents in profile/torrents directory or make unique name
       $topDirectory = '/volume1/';            // Upper available directory. Absolute path with trail slash.
       $forbidUserSettings = false;
       $scgi_port = 8050;
       $scgi_host = "";
       // For web->rtorrent link through unix domain socket
       // (scgi_local in rtorrent conf file), change variables
       // above to something like this:
       // $scgi_port = 0;
       // $scgi_host = "unix:///tmp/rpc.socket";
       $XMLRPCMountPoint = "/RPC2";        // DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE!!! DO NOT COMMENT THIS LINE!!!
       $pathToExternals = array(
           "php"   => '',          // Something like /usr/bin/php. If empty, will be found in PATH.
           "curl"  => '',          // Something like /usr/bin/curl. If empty, will be found in PATH.
           "gzip"  => '',          // Something like /usr/bin/gzip. If empty, will be found in PATH.
           "id"    => '',          // Something like /usr/bin/id. If empty, will be found in PATH.
           "stat"  => '',          // Something like /usr/bin/stat. If empty, will be found in PATH.
       $localhosts = array(            // list of local interfaces
       $profilePath = '../share';      // Path to user profiles
       $profileMask = 0777;            // Mask for files and directory creation in user profiles.
                           // Both Webserver and rtorrent users must have read-write access to it.
                           // For example, if Webserver and rtorrent users are in the same group then the value may be 0770.
       $tempDirectory = '/usr/local/rutorrent/tmp/';           // Temp directory. Absolute path with trail slash. If null, then autodetect will be used.
       $canUseXSendFile = true;        // Use X-Sendfile feature if it exist

    $tempDirectory = '/usr/local/rutorrent/tmp' 改為 $tempDirectory = '/usr/local/rutorrent/tmp/'

  5. 儲存



  1. go to /var/services/web/rutorrent/plugins/check_port
  2. edit action.php
  3. change @$client->fetch("http://www.canyouseeme.org","POST","application/x-www-form-urlencoded","port=".$port."&submit=Check+Your+Port"); to @$client->fetch("https://www.canyouseeme.org","POST","application/x-www-form-urlencoded","port=".$port."&submit=Check+Your+Port");








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